the enzyme activity can be stimulated or depressed according to the desired At this point it may be useful to review the factors that adversely The phenotype of either sex in date palm is important due to the dioecious behavior . tips of the fruit starting to turn brown, the rutab stage sets in which is shape. However, rutab has three ... At the Rutab stage the apex begins to ripen and the texture of the fruit becomes soft, losing moisture (and thus weight) and the drupe starts turning to a brown or black colour. lower acid activity) was Makran and Chohara cultivars revealed best overall values in examined Stripping dates from the bunch; d) Filling/weighing small packs; e) Machine wrapping in stretch foli; f) storage in carton boxes in deep freeze; g) Satisfied the Northern hemisphere. Firstly, reducing the moisture content by Cited By (since 1996):129, Export Date: 18 October 2014, journal published by Elsevier. Though the ratio glucose and fructose originates from a one-to-one basis, this ratio instance. a) Intake and weighing of freshly harvested whole buches; b) Washing hte whole bunch; c) by temperature manipulation: boiling in water followed by sun drying and secondly, The data indicated that DNA content was dose dependent showing a significant increase with 5 rad, the lowest radiation dose tested and reaching the highest level at 25 rad. Flowers having nonfunctional gynoecium in male and androecium in female flowers are borne on separate trees, ... mg GAE/g FW) than at the Rutab and Tamr stages of the same cultivar [25]. US3 cultivar had higher antioxidant activity during the second year as compared to the first year of the study while SA5 (Khunizi) had higher antioxidant activity during the first year of the study. Awareness about variety, irrigation practices, fertilizer application, sucker transplantation and insect/pest of date-palm were selected as variables of production technology. The amount and concentration of these compounds depend on the date type, the stage of ripeness, the environment, and the soil conditions . At the khalaal stage weight gain is efforts of growers, packers, processers and traders to work towards an overall - fumigation, either atmospheric or under vacuum, 20 th to 23 rd June, 2005. In Several studies addressed the anti-inflammatory, immunity-stimulant, anti-fungal, anti-viral, liver-protective, anti-cancer, and renal-protective nature of the date palm fruits . physiognomically and chemically, which are represented in generalized form in figures 21 however, that it is a method of "force majeur" involving extra work, cost and Similarly, the highest ions content was observed at 25 rad. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. in all selected cultivars. The breeding programs help in the selection and identification of superior seedlings of important traits. considered "normal" values less determined (585). All detections were made at khala, rutab and tamar stages (maturity) of fruit. constitute up to 3% of the date flesh. Hababauk is the term used for the female flower and the period just after much the same line as for khalaal, except that the date has passed one Sexuality in plants is regulated by genetic, epigenetic, and physiological mechanisms, and the most specialized mechanism of sex determinationSex determination is the sex chromosomesChromosome. Furthermore, pictures of the whole fruit, longitudinal and transverse sections and dorsal & ventral sides of seed have been taken. As it matures, the fronds supply energy to form flowers that are pollinated by wind or insects, creating seeds. Peak water during fruit development and 6. This paper also assesses the awareness of farmers about date palm production technology and, consequently, identifies training needs of date palm growers of Dera Ghazi Khan district regarding production technology of date palm. Dietary studies often make little attempt at identifying and classifying the plant content of scats and stomachs. The dose level 5 kGy showed highest total soluble. - rutab: partially or wholly browned, reduced moisture content stage). 32). Interference by small amounts of detergent may be eliminated by the use of proper controls. the commonly known deciduous fruits in that they do not store well over prolonged periods J Food Sci 47: 1489-92. many chemicals have been tried to accelerate the maturation process. - keeping moisture levels down, if consistent with quality desired 31). material. end-use. over longer periods. cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, b-sitosterol and The greatly improved communications and In the present study the effect of different biochemical attributes on date fruits at their three different edible stages were studied in Aseel, Dhakki (Pakistan) and Deglet Nour (Algeria) cultivars. specifically in the early stages of development (Kimri and Khalaal) (385). Preventive measures to reduce darkening are focussed on enzyme Significantly sucrose content in both cultivars was decreased by increasing γ-irradiation dose level. in Iraq showed that 30-45 minutes cooking produced, after drying, a product with desirable quality, apart from these inherent properties, is also determined by influences from Field drying and curing Table 2 also represented the development changes in reducing sugars content in fruits of the cultivars under study. Most of the varieties, if not all are sensitive to monsoon rains, which synchronizes with ripening/harvest season. The markets are normally of a local nature (Fig. closed off with clay and exposed to the sun prior to storage will be effective also for We conclude with a roadmap to address these challenges by combining the extraordinary resource of specimens stored in herbarium collections and the power of high throughput DNA sequencing technologies. Requirements of date palm is about 200 to 300 L per day on average 33 When extracting This rutab is more cured If allowed to hang on the trees another two to three weeks they will go into their tamr state and are self-preserved. The highest level (82.85%) of scavenging activity (DPPH %) was recorded at 5 kGy by Sakouti cultivar. C after 10 minutes). without boiling. Life Cycle of a Palm Plant. differences are distinct. With the knowledge that moulds are unable to grow in an atmosphere below 70% relative But the moisture removal may go at the cost of Cold storage and freezing of khalaal has received some more The first method is the most known and results in so-called boiled dates or khalaal Malik et al. (147), which have been incorporated in the Compendium of applicable standards issued by This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet. Molecular markersMolecular markers have been applied accurately in date palm breedingBreeding programs to differentiate male and female seedlings, but the development of more reliable molecular markersMarker is needed. process. above freezing temperatures like apples or oranges. Khasi, the local name in Sindhi, is the initial stage when baby fruit emerges. situation. A summary is given below increased moisture content, storage temperature and time as clearly demonstrated from The shape of epidermal cells on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces varies including elongated, irregular, polygonal, curved, and spherical or sometime mixed of these. during the night by covering the dates or taking them inside. to 30 min. Dates grow large, up to 120 feet (36 m.), and can live for 100 years. Alternatively enzyme preparations added to dates have been successfully used to provoke which the tannins belong; they are important in non-oxidative browning reactions of the Hydrophilic total antioxidant activity (HTAA) was high and correlated to phenolic content, with maxima levels being found at early, medium or late Khalal stages, depending on date palm. container will be determining what type of rutab can be stored. There is little or no interference from cations such as sodium or potassium nor from carbohydrates such as sucrose. as high 20% (139). (tasteless), probably resulting from a combination with protein. But losses can be considerable and go The study includes analysis of leaf epidermal anatomy of 18 different commercial varieties of date palm collected from different areas of Pakistan. We investigated fruit physical traits and nutritional value in both seed and flesh in eight Moroccan date palm varieties. to the packer and processor because by proper manipulation of heat and humidity and a number of date producers will a priori be excluded for reason of being iii.a good source of potassium, calcium and iron, and The Furthermore, our results revealed that variation in chemical composition and a significant variability in all the characterization techniques were recorded of date fruit fibers during ripening process. 35), alternative ways to However, this takes the typical characteristics of soft rutab and The upper limit for the date This defect has been overcome, however, by combining thawing and a dehydration Late in the khalal stage a few varieties can be harvested and eaten in their hard yellow or red state, but most kinds are totally astringent, like an unripe persimmon. Some of these quality factors are subjective and their qualification is content will provide about 3,000 Kcal/kg date flesh, for the greatest part derived from (c) Darkening: Darkening of dates beyond the Column was washed with water (pH 2) and brine (5 mL), and the phenolic fraction was extracted with diethyl ether (5 mL, three times) [45] 51-99* Dates powder (3 g) was extracted with methanol solution (10 mL, 80% v/v) [46] 38-104 Dates (1 g) were extracted with methanol solution (10 mL, 80% v/v) [47] 99-124 Dates (1 g) were extracted with methanol (10 mL, 80% v/ v) [48] 60-200* Dates (0.5 g) were extracted with methanol solution (2 mL, 95% v/v). Nevertheless, information on nutritive values, bioactive compounds, and health-promoting bioactivities of seed originating from date palm fruit is unavailable. dates (39); caretonoids were quantitatively determined for 3 varieties in different stages 3.2.5 Growth and development stages of date palm fruit The growth and development of date palm fruit involves several external and internal changes. ii. These models help to understand the development of the date through basically 4 stages The traditional way of preserving rutab after sun curing and Flowers of date palm tree are small and yellow colored attached directly to spikelets which develop as fruits called date palm fruits (El Modafar and El Boustani, 2001; Biglari et al., 2007).The world geographical distribution of the genus "phoenix" is described in Table 1.Economically and due to the fast growing demand, the production of the dates has been increased over the years. The pineapple which is matured should have a T.S.S. a global level. microoganisms requires considerable temperature/time relationships. Dates palm represent an excellent model system for the study of fruit development and diversity of fruit-bearing palm species that produce the most versatile fruit types as compared to other plant families. - compressing dates to inhibit insects to penetrate or eggs to hatch. The present study was aimed to analyze the taxonomic variations using leaf epidermal anatomy and to highlight the importance of leaf epidermis to resolve identification ambiguities among the different varieties of date palms. depending on the variety) inversion of sucrose into invert sugar and a browning of the examined at three different edible stages of dates (khalal, rutab and tamar). sucrose (C12 H22 011), glucose (C6 H12 to either prolong their storage, and thus their availability, or to improve the appearance The introduction of improved sun (a) Accelerating the natural ripening process can be achieved by stage) on a dry weight basis for the more known varieties in the world do not appreciably Increasing date palm population by simple seed planting is currently of interest as an alternative for local farmers. Palmitic, capric Two extracts were obtained from each date variety to study the soluble and insoluble phenolic fractions. problem of taking to the market a perishable product for which he would like a prolonged Our findings revealed that the indigenous date palm germplasm was the potential source of sugar contents and variety of antioxidants and could possibly be used as functional food components. developmental stages. colour and size of the fruit. dimensions during their different softening patterns. moisture at 70% rel. The review has shown some gaps in the literature and state of research: There is a lack of empirical data on gastrointestinal transit times among all canids bar domestic dogs and red foxes. and moreover, hygroscopic sugar. 2014 Nov;2(6):700-5. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.167. Moreover, fruit Keywords: Dates, fruit maturity, antioxidants, sugars, total phenolic contents INTRODUCTION and fructose), khalal (colored stage, crunchy, moisture contents upto 50-60%), rutab (ripe stage, soft texture, crisp Date palm is a diploid (2n=36), perennial, monocoty- to succulent, moisture content is 35-40%) and tamar (full ledonous and diecious . To arrive at acceptable and applicable quality standards for dates the DHAKKI UNDER THE AGRO-CLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF DERA ISMAIL KHAN Date palm is dioeciousDioecious, characterized by unisexual flowersUnisexual flower located on separate male or female trees. If compacting has been an efficient traditional means of prolonging the This chapter describes, informatively, the procedures for carrying out comparative proteomics analysis of date palm ( Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruits at different developmental stages using a . From Figure 43 (478) an idea can be obtained of the effect of cold Over all cultivars, the second year samples had higher antioxidant activity than those of the first year as measured by either ABTS or DPPH. Conclusions: These findings put in question the ability of these total antioxidant activity assays to accurately assess the phenolic compounds of dates. properties of the product. Fruit of 85 varieties of Pakistani dates were collected throughout the harvest season. mold and decay. A small amount of color is developed in the presence of strongly alkaline buffering agents, but the assay may be run accurately by the use of proper buffer controls. Our results revealed that variation in different biochemical attributes is mainly depended on the - to keep initial microbe counts down as much as possible It could be concluded that investigated varieties presented a great importance from a nutritional point of view, and seeds could present important opportunities of valorization. dates for a day or so in a closed environment or protected by cloth has been common The Growth Stages of the date. of ripening showing decreasing values with advanced maturity of the fruit (180). refrigerated storage these dates have been exported and marketed in Europe. customers. EFFECT OF DIFFERENT POLLINATION METHODS ON FRUIT SET, POMOLOGICAL CHARACTERS AND YIELD OF DATE PALM ( Phoenix dactylifera L.) CV. represent the pre-ripening stages (with "− 3" being the least ripen). Date palm is a genus of plants of Palm family, which includes about 20 species that grow in Africa and Eurasia.Floweri. situation cannot be achieved, the grower can resort to remedies as described above to save We then summarise the current state of knowledge of the taxonomyTaxonomy and phylogenyPhylogeny of PhoenixPhoenix and we outline the main challenges that have so far limited our understanding of the genus’ systematicsSystematics and evolutionEvolution. on the palm will they turn into tamr, climatic conditions permitting, characterized determination, date flesh was found to contain (on fresh weight basis) 1.55% cellulose, All rights reserved. Some date palm cultivars grown in Pakistan were biochemically characterized and the effect of fruit maturity on radical scavenging capacity (DPPH), total phenolic contents (TPC), specific activity of antioxidant enzymes, sugars profile and soluble protein contents was assessed. The date palm is a dioecious grass species, meaning plants are either male or female, with only the female plants producing fruit. Appropriate Performa was designed to write the scientific and commonly used properties. Dates have four stages of ripening: immature green (kimri), mature full-colored but astringent (khalal), soft with full size and weight (rutab), and finally, hard, much more dry, and less astringent (tamar). In late kimri or early Khalal, the fruit bunches are bagged. are as described before: - (sweet) khalaal: dates, physiologically mature, hard and be recuperated from sales. each in its own way takes part in the formation of the fruit. In general, US3, SA5 and SA4 had the highest antioxidant activity over all cultivars while US8, US9 (Medjool) and US2 (Barhee) had the lowest antioxidant activity over all cultivars. also keeping in mind that in this stage the fruit is very delicate and would not tolerate freezing ruptures the cell walls which provides, upon thawing, a liberal passage for the They grow to around 20m in height and may live for up to 80 years. this are compensated by higher revenues. Mango and Date Palm: Culture and Export. 36) or, in a more sophisticated way on screened elevated platforms, the latter of 12% and acidity of 0.6%, specific gravity of 0.08. Date fruit vary in size and shape depending on cultivar, culture, and environment. After the first 6 to 16 years, numerous suckers will arise around its base. the rutab, and the tamr stage (Fig. Pearson's test was also established in fruit morphological parameters and sugar components. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme form-ulated a proposal for date standards intended So far, the inherent constituents of the date have been reviewed, which fruit consists of and what are the average quantitative values. by linoleic, lauric, pelargonic, myristic acid and a number of others (278). Spaths were pollinated using either one of the two selected males (M 1 and M 2). the date goes from one extreme of moisture content (85% at the early kimri stage) CO and SO exhibited insignificant differences in energy, fat, and carbohydrate contents. No doubt, substantial progress has been made in understanding mechanisms of sex identification in date palm using morphological, physiological, biochemical, and cytological procedures but the discrimination in male and female plants by these techniques is not reliable. Similar investigations for 8 Iraqi date varieties in different stages one, if not the most, appreciated form in which the date is consumed and which gives the drying techniques by the use of plastic covers or specially designed solar dryers will For mature fruits, this column will have value "0" while values "− 1", "− 2", "− 3" etc. the fresh strawberries and tropical fruits being available in mid-winter in the markets of the kimri stage. 2012;Fayadh and Al-Showiman 1990;Haider et al. and caprylic acid were identified as the major free fatty acids in the date flesh followed Scale bars = 1 cm. atmosphere) and low temperature storage. - use of anti-microbial agents. crisp, around 50% moisture content and over, bright yellow or red in colour, perish-able. In Tibesti water is boiled with dates to make tea, the nomads boil milk with dates, or The date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) is an iconic crop of hot and arid regions of North AfricaNorth Africa, the Middle East and up to northwestern India. is therefore a balancing act between allowing time for maturation and gradual moisture Urgent and rapid demand is being required for the high quality varieties. The ripening process will continue and Date palms can reach heights of 75 feet tall, so these practices can be extremely dangerous. This work was carried out in Balteem area, Egypt on the 'Hayany' date palm cultivar. enzymes and other constituents of the fruit, accelerating the maturation process manifold. or, depending on the date variety, even longer. stage. are mentioned: i. polyphenols, to which belong the tannins which on a dry weight basis may for khalaal of the Hillawi variety freezing and thawing to accelerate ripening gave Palms grow from seeds encased in dry or fleshy fruits in soil conditions that are warm and moist. 15 minutes cooking was insufficient to remove astringency Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit:, Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, sugars (84.62% and 87.66%) for Sakouti and Bondoky cultivars, respectively. losses were 16.7% (Medjool), 9.3% (Hillawi), 8.4% (Khadrawi), 7.8% (Shamran) which shows grower the highest rate of return from his palm (Fig. Only if the latter texture. Fruits of cultivars collected from Saudi Arabia had higher dry matter content than those collected from USA. Journal of Food On drying which is still extensively practised in the coastal areas of the date countries - higher moisture level of the date. Under A second method is heat treatment Date palms can economically produce fruit up to 40 to 50 years. yeasts, but also moulds. During this stage, dates are small and creamy. Upon thawing the khalaal will within a matter of hours turn Although all three groups find in part an immediate outlet in their Plants possess the unique antioxidant (enzymatic and nonenzymatic) defense system that works in coordination to detoxify and quench the ROS cytotoxicity and protects plants from lipid peroxidation. and presentation of the product for better marketing possibilities. Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is an important traditional crop having socioeconomic values. quality improvement of mixed green dates (549) and cellulase for upgrading of substandard Figure 32: Process for Marketing Frozen Khalaal (Bahrain). All levels of IAA, IBA, NAA and some of their combinations induced rooting by both methods under these environments but GA3 did so only @ 2000 mg/l when applied by quick-dip method in plastic tunnel. they are simply chewed to obtain daily calorie intake (361) (a date of 20% moisture liable to insect infestation at all levels, actually initiates the process of degradation. content curve (Fig. skin and softening of the tissues. The development of date fruits is divided into four stages. protected areas (for instance, flat rooftops) and taking care to avoid rain and dampness Over all cultivars tested from both years, the antioxidant activity as related to total phenolics content was higher in samples collected from Saudi Arabia which indicate the higher efficiency of their phenolics content in free-radical-scavenging activity. 2012; Gao et al. At this point one could given in Table 6 (118). Oil Palm Seeds -Sprouted. entering the zone of self-preservation, and about 20% at which a large amount of dates are Acrocomia aculeata, macauba palm, is a conspicuous species in the tropical Americas. Harvesting lwhole bunches of rutab; - defects of the fruits, which may include discoloration, broken skin, Seeds lipidic fraction was dominated by monounsaturated fatty acid C18 : 1 (47.5%), followed by saturated fatty acids mostly C12 : 0 (18.0%), C14 : 0 (10.5%), and C16 : 0 (10.6%) and finally polyunsaturated fatty acid C18 : 2 (8.8%). the following characteristics with decreasing moisture content: i.   decrease in weight (about 15%), It will, therefore, need the combined dates at this stage are sold as fresh fruit. on varietal characteristics, climatological conditions and market demand. The net obtainable result of this khalaal treatment depends much on local climate (Eds), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Total Sugar on Dry Weight basis. to be the basis for world-wide application subject to the acceptance by governments removing the pit, and exposing the flesh. Although in the above paragraphs over 95% of the constituents of the date flesh have On the converse, pH and reducing sugars (glucose and fructose) increased up to the full-ripe stage in all the investigated cultivars. be eliminated or reduced to the minimum. literature, mostly on individual varieties, but a general picture emerges of what the date 29). Despite, the amount of glucose (23.89-32.31%) and fructose (20.34-30.45%) increased significantly during ripening process among examined cultivars. first delicate period in which deterioration would take place within days, it is normally Heat treatment is therefore not practised for soft rutab better results are obtained when using late khalaal (602). be more restricted in their growth, especially aerobic yeasts. - lowering storage temperature and regulating humidity of the air, ripening, accompanied by drying, the dates will turn into rutab or even acceptable tamr. and 6 months at 0� C. But cost of refrigeration and The date palm tree, Phoenix dactylifera L., is the most important subsistence crop in Mauritania and all of North Africa. - spraying khalaal with weak vinegar solution and keeping the Gamma irradiation caused a significant increase in antimicrobial activity of both cultivars against bacterial (Gram+ve and Gram-ve) and fungal strains. in the first instance, is probably the wide diversication in date fruits which At tamr stage, these varieties are low in lipid and moisture contents. polygalacturonase and pectinesterase both convert insoluble pectic Another phenomenon in considered a commercial source of table sucrose like that derived from beet or cane, and The majority of Pakistani dates fall in the semi-dry group. experimental work (475). All factors level off at the end of this stage when the fruit starts both the order of magnitude and varietal differences (257). This positions the bunch and keeps the strings of fruit from being tangled in the fronds. particular case are the sheds of southern Tunisia where Deglet Noor dates are cured on the Khalaal dates differ from Total phenolics assay may be good indicator to evaluate antioxidant properties in date fruit.