Speaking during a debate at the Commissioning in Healthcare conference in London on Wednesday, she also questioned the lack of patient and public involvement in STPs - dubbed 'secret NHS plans' by critics. His route has taken him through vast areas of the country where NHS and hospital services are being reconfigured and in many cases cutback or centralised. NHS 111 pod at Horton General Hospital. On 21st April 2016, Radio Horton brought live to patients' bedsides the Welcome Service and Licensing of Reverend Dr. Geoff Morgan as Team Chaplain for the Horton General Hospital within the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Credit - Ian Gentles, Chair Keith Strangwood and former Horton midwife Sarah Ayre sing solo for the Horton. Regarding the rumours that E-ward is to close; it now appears that the change of use of E Ward to daytime only is part of the recently published plan for dealing with Delayed Transfers of Care (patients medically fit to leave hospital but unable to do so for lack of social care arrangements. Here's a link to the report by the Independent Reconfiguration Panel that secured our services in 2008. Nothing is more important than the health of you and your loved ones. Click the image to read Sir Tony's letter in full. We will oppose any such proposals if this process has not taken place and we believe the change not to be in the interests of local patients. At this stage it's wiser to ignore the questionnaire on the OCCG's website. The harrowing experiences, told with such eloquence and bravery, will stay with those that heard them forever. The hospital is located in Oxford. In the 1990s he was a founder member of the Banbury Health Emergency whose first chairman was Steve Thorp. "If the Horton loses its Royal College anaesthetic training recognition it is another critical domino falling - what we've always warned about," he said. JHOSC chairman and Deddington county councillor Arash Fatemain has been contacted for comment. It coincides with the plans to end full maternity permanently followed by consultatation on paediatrics which clearly can't continue without retention of obstetrics. He felt the required numbers of obstetricians were being taken out of context, skewed in favour of the JR. KTHG's Dr Peter Fisher asked some excellent questions as did Keith Strangwood and others. And that's it. Oxfordshire NHS chiefs claim that they need to fill a £200m shortfall in their finances by 2021 and local clinicians say the downgrade was prompted by a "staffing crisis" and shortage of obstetricians. - Emergency General Surgery was suspended from the Horton General Hospital in January 2013 due to the unlawful and wrongful dismissal of one surgeon and the removal of another to "other duties". Mostyn had found against the local councils and KTHG who had brought the case, despite criticising Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (OCCG) for the way they had conducted the consultation. Hands Around the Horton - video by Johnathan Ruffle / Fresh FX, Hands Around the Horton - video by Jake Mayo (shared via Dropbox - just click "no thanks view anyway" if you don't want to sign up to Dropbox), Hands Around the Horton - getting into position - Oxford Road entrance / Hightown Road / Valley Road disappearing into Green Lane (not visible due to it being a track) - Sophie & Chris Hammond, Hands Around the Horton - getting into position - Green Lane emerging from the left onto Upper Windsor St (Morrisons Hill) / back to Oxford Road entrance - Sophie & Chris Hammond. say what they want to say and then leave again if needs be. Across the county, 38 per cent were in favour. We are beyond grateful to the Banbury Labour Party for bringing this to our attention. How long did you have to wait? In this case, neither the NHS or the local authorities would have been certain of success, and campaigners will have been relying as much on political pressure as on legal action. Whether the GPs in the south resent the amount spent in the north of the county, or not, does not alter the adjudication of 2008. Now, with the deadline for consultation responses fast approaching, and the unit deliberately run down, the gloves are off. The market will be open from 1pm to 8pm. In a report to the board of Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on Wednesday, clinical services director Paul Brennan said seven out of nine middle-grade doctors needed at the Horton were now in post. VENUE NOW CONFIRMED AS ST MARY'S CHURCH, BANBURY I am perfectly aware there is no guarantee of parking but I would expect a reasonable prospect of parking.". document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a948c58de43129c6ea7a987143e48c65" );document.getElementById("he16d5d31a").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Your email address will not be published. "We have several projects we want to pursue including working with local schools and our new partnership with Banbury and Bicester College. As trusts across the country miss A&E targets due to "bed blocking" (delayed discharges), the FT describes May's dismissal of the suggestions of impending crisis and underfunding as "dangerous insouciance". Remember. Determination among those who attended remains.". Oxfordshire county councillor for Wantage, Jenny Hannaby, said the decision date should be pushed back completely, to allow for proper scrutiny. We hope that Mr Strangwood's presence will ensure that the trust can no longer ignore the needs of the Banburyshire population. Former Horton midwife, Sarah Ayre said: "Staff are overwhelmed by public support. Cllr Colin Clarke, chairman of the council's general services committee, said: "The switch-on will be a family occasion that will also pay tribute to the work that goes on at the Horton Hospital. "I am in full support of returning full maternity, full A&E and intensive care at the Horton," he wrote, "having in the past written to our MP, stood on KHG and junior doctor demonstrations and picket lines and heard the OCCG put their case at a recent U3A meeting. If you're on facebook, tag this post when you've done it so we have an idea of how many have taken action. We have had a rolling advert for eight months now and we haven't had one appointment.". Mr Baldry said he understands why people believe services would be safe into the future after Secretary of State Alan Johnson accepted advice from the Independent Reconfiguration Panel (IRP) that Oxford is too far to move 24-hour maternity and children’s services. In 1976 he was a founder member of the NHS Consultants' Association (later re-named Doctors for the NHS) and continued campaigning up to three weeks ago. Following a recent meeting at the Horton hospital, organised and chaired by local MP Victoria Prentis, and attended by: Victoria Prentis, MP for Banbury A Judge in one of the highest courts in the land agrees with us. We must question whether it is right for the sixth richest nation in the world to be so dependent on international graduates trained at the expense of countries that can ill-afford to train their own doctors, let alone ours. Members of staff were only aware after the event confirming there had been no consultation or communication beforehand. KTHG is not affiliated to any political party but reserves the right to criticize government actions/inactions if we believe them to be damaging, recognizing that governments of all complexions share responsibility for the current state of the NHS. Save Rothbury Community Hospital and STITCH (Save the Irreplaceable Torrington Community Hospital) along with a local deputation from Hammersmith representing Charing Cross, Price: £6 in advance or £8 on the door, Visit www.ringsideworld.co.uk to buy tickets. We have been advised that someone on our distribution list has received a suspicious email, which appears to come from Keep the Horton General's email account, although we did not send it. "I am furious. Lose Surgery - elective inpatients For the benefit of the permanent record, you can also download the report from our archive, here. The effectiveness of discharge services had "declined" over the last two years with 80 per cent of people over 65 still at home 91 days after discharge compared to national average of 82 per cent. Mr Strangwood said afterwards: "To sit and listen to hours of distortion and spin was debilitating in the extreme. The Oxford Mail covered the celebration / protest, reporting "World-renowned film director Ken Loach addresses Hands off our NHS cuts protest in city centre". You will know that prior to the meeting, Oxfordshire's Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee unanimously agreed to refer the permanent downgrade to the Secretary of State pending the Board's decision. There are too many people to thank individually for the huge commitment they’ve made to this campaign over the last 7 years - but you know who you are guys and I’m sure everyone is sending you a big thank you for putting your lives on hold for so long. Well done to all and thanks for helping us to raise awareness in Oxford - the JR is already overwhelmed with patients, and people in Oxford have no idea how much worse it's about to get.... Posted (facebook): 25 September - 16 October 2016. "The OUHT's cost-cutting plans and the CCG's reductions mean all the pain is being felt in the north of the county. "We still do not have the integrated impact assessment, which is supposed to be telling us how these proposals will impact the public. We have taken time to read all of them and are comforted by the love the people of Banbury have for him. "There are three glimmers of hope. The elderly woman, who suffers from dementia, was left for more than 10 hours in a corridor at the Horton's overflowing A&E last week. "Every backbencher's vote is now invaluable. Mr Stevens said there would be no funds from the shrinking NHS allowances. Dr Wollaston's committee has incorporated ACS/ACOs into their STP inquiry and oral evidence commences 27 February. George was Banbury town mayor in 1995 to 1996, earning the nickname Rock 'n' Roll Mayor after his themed fundraising ball. We’ll pass your messages on in advance of the meeting. Cowley The governing body of the clinical commissioning group decided on August 10, 2017, to remove obstetric care from the Horton and replace it with a permanent midwife-led unit. Ms Bird said this was critical, as it should subject new plans to impose strictly limited budgets on large areas for all health and social care to focussed examination and consultation. We are also aware that the plan to find and implement a safe, sustainable maternity service in Banbury is slipping - despite the Independent Reconfiguration Panel concluding that Banbury needs a full obstetric service. ", The document claims that "irrespective of the numbers of births, OUHFT would not have enough doctors to staff the [Horton's obstetric] unit. This information would be necessary for the county council to gauge what the impact would be on council services. This post, from our facebook team on 3 October, sums up a tumultuous and sad day at the Horton General Hospital. As our survey results show, the majority of local politicians who responded feel excluded from the planning process. They had to keep turning the ambulance on for the heating. If I'd had to go to Oxford I'm almost certain I would have died in the back of an ambulance. The JR always has been too far. The Judge said the argument was now clear. We need to join together locally, working with the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUHFT) and make the case for significant investment with the Department of Health and Social Care. The Horton Hospital has a small collection of historical portraits of those involved in founding the Hospital. It was argued that the consultation was unlawful for numerous reasons, including the fact it was split into two phases where many issues dealt with in Phase 2 were interlinked with Phase 1 issues. Obstetrics means having doctors and anaesthetists present who can: The unit at the Horton is currently midwife-led, meaning only women whose pregnancies are considered 'low-risk' can give birth there, and the above services cannot be provided there. ", In response to our letter to the trust, which facebook group members were encouraged to adapt and use in their own letter to the trust, Paul Brennan commented (our emphasis), "The stage two bed realignment proposal was considered by the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Committee concluded that the plans for acute bed and service reconfiguration constitute a substantial service change that requires consultation. "It's a classic case of Russian roulette in transferring women with so-called 'low risk' births at the Horton midwife unit to Oxford when things go wrong, as they inevitably do sometimes," said KTHG chairman Keith Strangwood. He said: "We'd already sent each member of the Horton HOSC a collection of experiences Banbury’s public consultation is to be held on Tuesday July 24th, from 2.00 until 3.30pm at St Mary’s Church. Councillors criticised STPs as "complex and full of jargon", saying "the NHS simply does not understand the decision making of local government". It opened in 1872. Edited: 10 October 2015. 1950 Sep 9;46(36):932-3. The motions, "Support adopt a ward in any part of local hospital", "Problem arises - put to a patient vote before a decision is made", and "If a shortage of doctors puts patient safety ar risk, then there should be a government debate" received overwhelming yes responses. Instead we are selling off the beds, taking the towels to the charity shops and emptying the larder. Mr Strangwood said: "KTHG has been up against a huge opponent, they have limitless funds available to them from us the tax payers to fight any opposition to their plans. "We remain deeply unhappy and frightened, with patients travelling up to two hours in the final stages of labour and emergency gynae operations taking place in a portacabin in the JR car park," she said. Health bosses have been slammed over 'slippery management-speak' and a 'chaotic' consultation over massive changes to the NHS in Oxfordshire. Read the article on the Guardian's website, here. We are looking into organising a coach to take Horton supporters to London for the event. Playwright Kay Stevens explains - "God is in despair at the world, so he decides to try again...sending the Baby Jesus to earth to heal mankind. Organised by the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group. Best of luck with the next stage. Then there's obviously those in ongoing pain waiting for an operation. The fastest journey normally takes 4 min. As KTHG is aware of other smaller hospitals running Consultant Led Units with middle-grade staff (something the OUHFT Post Graduate Dean maintains is not possible, thereby creating the very problem that the OUHFT seek to "solve"), this offers some hope .