my daughter has been feeling nauseous for the last few months and has stomach pain, she cannot eat anything and feels tired all the time. Educate yourself on the forms of social media they use -- check their accounts and talk to them about what they're sharing and why. Hi Gina, my heart goes out to you and your family. She hasn't started periods yet, not stressed or anxious about anything, and has been eating normally. 1.ID: 383718129 A nursing instructor is observing a nursing student who is practicing . He has not had any problems since! Dear Care and Feeding, Help! He also had diarrhea.. He had only 1 friends at his old school, but went for the whole 4 year without really making any friends . My daughter has had what she describes as lighting pains in her left knee for the past 3/4 years they come and go she can go months with no pain at all but others it's 15+ bolts of pain in a day one case was where her knee was stuck bent for over a week (unable to straighten or bend more) she is now 10years old and waiting on yet another . Appetite is generally the first thing to go with a stomach bug, so if your kid digs right into his favorite pancakes, he’s probably fine. It was raining so I picked them up from school and took them to the bowling alley. Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER. I thought at first it was because she was bothered about something at school (she has been put in a different class to all her . Our doctor put him on zantac over a week now. 17 Budget-Friendly Kids’ Birthday Party Ideas. Advertisement. The first bachelors was earned by going to 2 local colleges and a 3rd school at night for a total off 33 credit hrs in a semester. I am at the end of my rope, it's awful seeing my little man sick all the time. It's the time of year when your child gets sick over and over, and you wonder if they'll ever be healthy again. Until tonight. I read that your son got in bed with you crying becuase he was afraid he wouldnt ever feel good again......Just a note, make sure that the Prilosec isnt adding to his problem....a side effect is anxiety I tried the OTC version and discovered this the hard way. Found inside – Page 48I, however, remained calm, cool and in control and allowed her to continue to get that food out of her stomach and on ... my daughter who was already feeling horrible, and it would also send a message to my wife, my 12 year old daughter ... It’s not easy to fake a fever, but it is possible. I am sorry to hear about your son. He does vomit occassionally and c/o intermittent pain/burning/bubbling. My 13 year old DD has been suffering with nausea every morning for the last week. I DID home school him for a year...mostly because his teachers and classmates didn't believe him when he said he didn't feel well, and were not supportive. I noted the sharp lines of the daughter's body (perfection, by our media's standards), so like my own at . The 13 year old's stomach aches weren't all in her head. God promises, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6). She has not been sick. Found inside – Page 233Dr. H. Elizabeth King , Child Psychologist , Breast Cancer Survivor My son was 7 years old when I had to tell him I had breast cancer ... and I'd have to explain that it was because the chemo made me feel sick to my stomach . But add anxiety to that mix, and it's a whole different beast. And she is emotionally sensitive . We were living a normal life of family ( I thought). After all, when you cough on purpose, you have to remember to keep coughing, but when you’re sick, you can’t help yourself. Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Traum Rapid Response. She never does though, and I can't figure out what is going on. He has had an upper GI, which showed reflux but no ulcer or other problems. and occur more frequently than fake coughs. Treating menstrual cramps (with over-the-counter pain relief medicines, heating pads, etc.) The only way to prevent kids from getting sick is to wash their hands several times a day (or have their daycare provider help when you're not there) and to teach them healthy hand hygiene when they're old enough to catch on. What they're exposed to online matters just as much as what they're experiencing in real life (or IRL, as they say). In short, it’s hard for a parent to know how to respond to it. She is my only child and they are the only grandkids I will ever have. My daughter has Sensory issues , she has very keen eyesight and hearing. Has 7 years experience. My 12 year old son has been nauseated for about a month now, pretty continuously. February 28, 2016 at 9:42 pm . They may be sensitive and sulky, but that’s normal. I only live 30 miles from them and can drive my own car. They're making decisions about social media use, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and varied levels of maturity and curiosity about sex. She says it's just thoughts and she would never do it. I'm sorry your son is going through that. I have no idea how often a grandparents should be allowed to see her twin 7 year old grandsons. So if your child is constantly trying to cough or sneeze his way off the school bus, it’s important to find out why. The bf's mother needed to have my daughter move into her house to have her son stay at home and go to college (keep him in check for her), she has her 20 year old daughter, her daughter's bf, and baby, and she also has a 12 year old son a total of 7 people living under same roof. My daughter had a new friend when we moved to a new neighborhood/school and after about a year she didn't want to hang out with her anymore. Of course she doesn't want to.Again. Over the last 6 weeks my 16 year old daughter has developed a worrisome problem. She also becomes very pale. My Teenage Daughter Has Anxiety: This is How it Looks and Feels. (Also check out this quiz: Is Your Kid Too Sick for School?) 16 year old girl w/ morning nausea, not pregnant. then nobody believes you on top of it...pediatrician even suggested psychological problems behind his sx...but I pushed until he found the real cause, then never went back to him again. Eating disorders often develop during the teenage years or in early adulthood. Learn how to spot it—and how to protect children of all ages from bullies at school. My husband and I have done our homework. Maybe your son needs a different med. First time knocked her out they think she came to and did it again. I'm thinking it's time and half HR. I feel this did some damage to him emotionally. I know you will continue to advocate for your son. If you or someone you know needs help, please contact the National Suicide Prevention hotline at 1-800-273-8255, anytime. Stress related, but causes real sickness. But as much as I like how it sounds, I hate the reality. Good luck to you and your little breaks our hearts to see our babies hurt I know. I have been ordered by the court for her to go, and gave my lawyer many items to support my daughter's reasons not wanting to. Turns out she was severly depressed, school and a bad divorce were the problem. They're happy, then sad, then happy again. Meagan, my 9-year-old daughter is back to having night terrors after a few years "off". Children's Health: "Wellness by age: 11-12 Years. My 23 year old works for Google, my 21 year old is a server and full time student at University of Washington, but its my baby, my 20 year old that is in his second year at a junior college and also a server that has chosen to move in . She keeps reminding me that "it's only for . I wish I could say I was a good mom but with years of active therapy I know I wasn't. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Latest Facts on COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters, COVID Vaccine 5 Times More Protective Than Natural Immunity, Brain Fog Can Persist 8 Months After COVID, Moon Phases May Affect Sleep Differently in Men and Women, Dr. Whyte's Book: Take Control of Your Cancer Risk, How Breast Cancer Changed My Life ... and Me, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox. My 8 year old had a MRI in the summer of 2007 for early growth and a 1 cm pineal cyst was found.The neuro-surgeon said it was nothing they will keep a eye on it for a couple of years and then just let it go.In December of 2007 she started to get dizzy spells that would get so bad it would make her so sick to her stomach she could not eat.Then headaches started the doctor still said no worry . My daughter made sergeant in just 3 years in the Army, and when she got out earned 2 Bachelors degrees and a masters in 4 years. Found inside – Page 36When son Nate was just 7 months old, Brown got pregnant again. After her daughter, Elizabeth, was born, Brown's weight settled at 205. The Change A year later, Brown was sick of always feeling exhausted. "I was on my feet all day at ... You know what’s coming: the teen years, and all the ups and downs they’re famous for. Anxiously awaiting your baby’s arrival? In other conditions such as somatization disorder, conversion disorder, and pain syndromes, the symptoms seem real to the child even though there is no detectable underlying illness. Find a chore your kid loves to do, and start a habit of wanting to help out that'll last a lifetime. The driver who was speeding and driving recklessly was the only survivor. 6 Signs Your Kid Could Be Faking It (and How to Tell!). Does my 10 year old daughter have OCD? At night our fevers rise and our discomfort increases. Kids can do amazing things with the right information. Understanding why anxiety feels the way it does and where the phsical symptoms come from is a powerful step in turning anxiety around. My 12 year old daughter has had two episodes in the last 7 days where she has become dizzy, disoriented and almost fainted. Even if your kid can make it through the school day, he could have anything from constipation to ref lux to anxiety. My 9 year old son has been getting stomach pains and headaches on and off now for a month. Found inside – Page 307It was a blow to me . It tore me to pieces and I didn't even know what to do . I thought my world had come to an end . I still had our 12 year old daughter Tammy at home . And I did any kind of work I could find to make it . I am manic bi-polar but suceptible to depression. She has had two episodes, one lasting for 10 days in March/April and a current one which has now lasted a week. This happens at least once a month for over a year. She's the author of a new book that chronicles her imperfect journey of parenting in the season of letting go with a refreshing sense honesty, faith, and humor: Release My Grip: Hope for a Parent's Heart as Kids Leave the Nest and Learn to Fly.Kami is also the co-creator of SoulFeed college care packages, the faith-based . In my house, I now insist that in order to miss school, my children must have at least one other observable symptom. Your daughter may be suffering from a condition called cyclical vomiting syndrome (CVS). Linds says. I was always so nervous, shy, worried (over pretty much nothing) that it caused all the nausea. I took Zantac and Gaviscon for years, but finally grew out of it. If they have lost interest in activities they normally enjoy, seems agitated or restless or neglects their appearance, it may be time for a talk to a doctor or mental health professional. The first step to calling your kid’s bluff is getting an accurate temperature reading. Get to know each phase of your cycle to make conception faster and easier. . All Rights Reserved. He drinks and keeps his house unclean. Now he's gone into middle school and it doesn't look like it's going to be any different this year! As surely as every child will become a teen, every person that must relate to a teen will find this book a reliable, indespensable guide to the ups and downs of adolecence. My advice is don't go with the pychological cause...not yet anyway, you've not completely exhausted therapy for your son's real problems. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site. She eats well, exercises a 4 times a week, is growing well and is a healthy weight. He's been on prilosec for 2 weeks with no results. They start to sniffle and you bundle them up to try to keep the sickness at bay. My 15-year-old wants to go to camp this summer. I am so proud of their independence. ", National Institute of Mental Health: "The Teen Brain: 6 Things to Know. If your child suffers from any of these forms of anxiety, the program in this book offers practical, scientifically proven tools that can help. ", The Center for Parenting Education: "Child Development by Age. How do I know when my children are actually ill versus when they want to miss school? These are differences you should be able to pick up on if you listen carefully enough. Why are daily routines such as mealtimes, bath time, and bed time such a struggle? This accessible guide demystifies the difficult behaviors of anxious toddlers, offering tried-and-tested practical solutions to common parenting dilemmas. Do you get annoyed when people ask you about your job outside of work. When my daughter would go over to the other girl's house the mom would yell and my daughter didn't feel comfortable. She has seen 2 different doctors that both did full blood work which all came back good. Shame on me for not reading the pkging more carefully. I have an eight year old daughter who frequently complains that she feels like she's going to throw up. Their brain is physically as large as it’s going to get, but won’t stop maturing until they're in their 20s. Is there anything else I should be pushing for? Alphabetically organized for easy access, a comprehensive parenting manual offers parents advice on hundreds of parenting problems, such as temper tantrums, sibling rivalry, ADD, shyness, eating problems, bedtime hassles, and school ... Also, Pepto Bismol caplets (the ones you swallow so you don't get the icky taste) helped me a lot too...but check with his doc first. Also, he has a history of IBS and constipation, but that has been doing fairly well lately. Oct 2009. Ive been told that he is too young to have appendicitis. asks from Maxwell, NM on September 09, 2009. treadmarked 15 hours ago . About 15 percent of . A child’s symptoms could also correlate with a particularly stressful class, a test, locker-room intimidation, or even the state of your health or your partner’s. Where there is no fever, stomach flu, or any other common cause of vomiting in younger children, vomiting is often caused by low blood sugar. High: 40° C (104° F) and higher; Moderate: 38° C (100.4° F) to 39.9° C (103.9° F) Mild: 37.9° C (100.3° F) and lower My step-children (12 and 10) are doing everything they can to sabotage our relationship. Could be school, could be friends or bullies, could also be a family situation that you may not be aware of. I've tried to do all the dietary changes, but he's not eating much anyway because of his nausea. Drinking fine. M.S. Specializes in Med/Surg; Critical Care/ ED. If it hasn’t started already, puberty is just around the corner. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. She doesn't think she has . My usual choice of words: “Do you have a fever? 19 to 21 years old. 12-year-old not really making any friends. The docs were sometimes very cruel as well saying it was all in my head or 'At least you're not in PAIN' Geez! A great phrase; onomatopoeia. Planning and thinking of consequences may remain a challenge. . So how do you know if your child has strep? In fact, if her headache persists for more than an hour or two and doesn’t respond to acetaminophen or ibuprofen, she not only needs to miss school but also needs to see a doctor. The go-to guide to getting infants and toddlers to fall and stay asleep, completely revised and updated Kim West, LCSW-C, known to her clients as The Sleep Lady®, has developed an alternative and effective approach to helping children ... Found inside – Page 12Sitting In the meeting, away from my 3 year old daughter, my 1 year old son, first the cold chills started, then the whispers ... This was long before the time of cell phones, so I squirmed, wiggled, starting to feel sick to my stomach. Dr. Sears created a comprehensive, science based, head-to-toe program for living a long, fit life -- and it worked. Now at the peak of health, Dr. Sears shares his program in Prime-Time Health. can have 12 a year . Three of the most common eating disorders are binge eating disorder, bulimia, and anorexia. But this isn't about me. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Hope your little man gets better soon. I recently spent an afternoon at the beach with a friend and her 12-year-old daughter. During the day high levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, keep us from feeling some of the pain and keep our fevers in check. Have had blood test, x-ray, ultrasound, seen psychologist but no answers. old and now doing play therapy and seem to be doing much better, she was also not able to attend school. No? They’ll get taller, their hips may widen and their waist narrow. My Sox was 21 when he went. I havent seen or talked to my daughter in over 4 years. With all those raging hormones, every teenager is bound to "lose it" at one time or another. Teen angst. If your child is over 2 years old and can wear a mask without finding it hard to breathe, have them wear one when the caregiver is in the room. Annalisa Barbieri advises a reader. My 12 year old has anxiety. My daughter had similar symptoms that were diagnosed (FINALLY) as abdominal migraines. She has had two episodes, one lasting for 10 days in March/April and a current one which has now lasted a week. Fully explaining each underlying idea, this book is much more than a simple how-to parenting guide. One moment they feel like they can do anything. Hope she graduates high school, it's touch and go right now and doesn't look promising. When sex coincides with your most fertile ovulation days, you'll increase your chances of getting pregnant. (now 8) year old daughter of my husband. can help some . The number varies from school to school; some say 101°F, others say 100°F. The prefrontal cortex, which helps with impulse control and organizational skills (planning, reasoning, and problem-solving), still has years left before it’s fully developed. Pediatricians call it “malingering” when a child fakes symptoms knowingly for some sort of gain and “factitious disorder” when the symptoms are fake but the child cannot say why. Parents, who see one of their children hit the fan, often have a hard time appreciating this verse. I have similar issues with my 4 1/2 year old daughter who has struggled with wearing clothes, having hair pinned up, wearing seatbelt in car, wearing shoes/socks, getting hair wet, feeling 'wet' when she has been to the toilet and after drying herself after a shower etc. Although few children love every single day of school, the vast majority accept that attending is a nonnegotiable part of life. Sleeping at lot. Oral (by mouth) temperature. Over the past year, my teenage daughter has lost a dramatic amount of weight. Cite your own examples with your friends. Now it seems more bad then good. Six Ways Parents Destroy Their Children Without Trying. For Parents: Eating Disorders in Teens. The doctor started him on Prevacid. When she she does start to feel better this lasts for around a week and then she feels unwell again. Is Your Child Really Sick? Reply. I dont know how I really feel. It was first described by Dr . His sick feeling is high in stomach. Those same people probably don't want me as their friend either. Teaching kids to "dab," or sneeze into their elbow, is a good one to start with. She smiles and says she doesn't have any problems and dismisses any concern that I (or others) express over . I would also R/O gallbladder and appendix. Childbearing and menstruation: Women who have never given birth have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer, and so do women who started menstruating early (before they were 12 years old), and/or reached menopause late (after 50).The number of periods you go through seems to be linked with your chances of getting ovarian cancer. Borrow my strategies to get to the bottom of your own kids’ pleas to hole up at home. If your child doesn’t seem to be in that much pain—say, she’s eating and comfortably watching TV—but insists her head still hurts, tell her you’re making a pediatrician appointment. Extreme clothing sensitivity with my 4 year old daughter 10 year old ready for puberty? Try to have one person only care for the sick child so others are not exposed. She lived with us until my granddaughter was a year old and then she got into an abusive relationship. It's the time of year when your child gets sick over and over, and you wonder if they'll ever be healthy again. Shes not suicidal but has racing thoughts about it and it scares her. 1-612-816-8773. allnurses® Copyright © 1997-2021, INC. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. My daughter has been having green stools My . My 8 year old daughter had a sickness bug at the beginning of January and then got over it. Our 12 year old son wakes every morning feeling very sick, sometimes heaves but no vomiting, been 2 weeks now, will feel better by midday. I’m a pediatric sleep specialist who has seen it all, and I’m here to tell you that it’s not too late to get your child to (happily) stay in his own bed all night long. I will defo be taking him to A&E. Many Thanks for your help :) Mamalee on April 04, 2013: My 7 yr old daughter has been c/o stomach pain for about a week. Specializes in Med/Surg; Critical Care/ ED. This may be a long shot but sometimes psychological stress factors play a role in unexplained illnesses with no explanation or cause discovered. I had the same as a 12 yr old, but it turned out to be stress related ulcers. However, I can relate. my 12 year old son is scared of being sick, and then refuses to eat… i need help with this. Was fine for a couple of weeks . My daughter will be 10 next week and is complaining of feeling sick every evening and every morning. Today I used the weed-eater on a 90 degree day. Though for about 20 min. BASED ON A TRUE STORY As I sat on the side of my mother hospital bed holding her hand, with a tight grip, I told her I loved her. “squeeze my hand if you hear me “I said’. Poor mom.