The city-state's political system was a curious one, and it had two royal families and two queens. Citizens lived in a city-state. For Moses Finley (1986, 177), she was 'the model military state'. The Archaic period (750-480 BCE) of Greece marks the rise of state action and the creation of the polis, today defined as city-state. In contrast, the women of Sparta were the exception. From then until the time they were 18, they were subject to harsh training and discipline. Copy. The mountains surrounding Laconia facilitated this isolation and enabled the city to cut itself off from the rest of Greece. Athen located in Attica, a peninsula with a number of islands and rocky soil; this location enabled Athenain people to choose trading as their economic life. 479 BCE- the Spartans lead the Greek force at the Battle of Plataea and win a decisive victory over the Persians, ending the Second Persian Invasion of ancient Greece. - There are 3 main branches of a democracy, Assembly, Council, and Court. Sparta's focus was on the military. Generalize After the groups have reached a consensus, have each group share what they decided was the biggest difference between the two and justify their response. poleis), one consistently held unique status as founding patron and protector of the polis, its citizens, governance and territories, as evidenced by the city's founding myth, and by high levels of investment in the deity's temple and civic cult. To resist the Persians, the strongest two city-states, Sparta and Athens, maintain a fragile alliance. ∙ 2009-12-16 22:33:29. Photo credit: CoinWeek. Sparta and Athens were both Greek city states that dominated ancient Greece during the fifth century BCE. Athens was the centre for arts, learning and . They managed households and raised girls to cook and clean. They would eat fish and meat hunted in the area while they would also make cheese and drink milk from goats. It began in infancy. Sparta was the Dorian Greek military state, considered as the protector of Greece as it was providing large army to Greece for many years. Most of the information regarding Spartan women is found through ancient scholars and poets who date between the Archaic Period (eighth century BC) to the classical period (fifth through fourth century BC) of the ancient world. Fear of these revolts led Sparta to become a state . Sparta, which was a capital of Lacinia and also city-state in ancient Greece, located on the right bank of the Evrétas . The helots rebelled many times. Characteristics of the city in a polis were outer walls for protection, as well as a public space that included temples and government buildings. The ancient city-state, which walked the line between legend and history, is often assumed to have fallen off the map at some point in antiquity. There was an assembly of citizens, but this did not have the power of the citizen assembly in democratic Athens. Spartan political system was a combination of monarchy (kings), oligarchy (Gerousia) and democracy (ephoroi, ephors). At present, Sparta is the administrative capital of the prefecture of Laconia . Persia Makes War Against the Greek City-States. Paul Cartledge (1979, 156) argues that Sparta's 'new social system, in operation by the time of Herodotus, was characterized by an overriding emphasis on military preparedness . Established in the mid-1960s, the Elroy-Sparta State Trail is 32.5 miles of crushed limestone spanning five communities, including Elroy, Kendall, Norwalk, Wilton and Sparta. The state provided public education for girls and boys, and consequently, the literacy rate was higher in Sparta than in other Greek city-states. Militaristic Focus: Athens: Athens did not have a militaristic focus. The warriors that fought for, and lived for the state were some of the most impressive ever, and this was due to the regimented and military fashion in which children in . Notable examples of stratocracies Modern stratocracies. Military power was the focus of society. Sparta was ruled by 2 kings and a council of elders and they had a assembly of citizens. However, rarely did the two sides fight each other alone. Sparta's Militarism required Kings assert strong generalship Aristotle: "Heriditary Generals". The Spartans wanted to leave Although they greatly outnumbered the Spartans and fought hard, the Spartans put down the revolts. Spartans were brilliant at warfare and their warriors were considered to be among the best in the world. Sparta Women • In Sparta, women enjoyed more rights and freedoms than did women in other city-states. Learn about Sparta's rise in military fame and the battles they fought. Now, these queens did not have real . "My focus," he said, "is to . polis, pl. Sparta was ruled by two kings and a Council of Elders. Athens. Now, these queens did not have real . The city was also a great centre for art and literature. Athens was part of the Delian League, an alliance of ancient Greek-city states led and funded mainly by Athens that eventually morphed into the Athenian Empire, and Sparta was a member of the Peloponnesian League. 1.Why was sea trade important for the Greeks? Athens was part of the Delian League, an alliance of ancient Greek-city states led and funded mainly by Athens that eventually morphed into the Athenian Empire, and Sparta was a member of the Peloponnesian League. Men were trained to be warriors, not only physical but mentally sharp too, laconic sharp and educated. Great works of art were created. Despite living in close proximity with one another (the cities were only about 150 miles apart) and sharing the same gods, the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta were more different than alike. Athens Treatment of Women Women in Athens could NOT chose their husbands, couldn't socialize, couldn't own their own property and couldn't go out alone. Like all Greeks, they would identify themselves as being from their city-state, in this case Sparta. In the city-state of Sparta, an oligarchy controlled the power. Dual kingship survived throughout Sparta's history Contrast to other city-states in Greece where monarchies were early overthrown. Grades 5 - 8 Subjects Ancient Civilizations, Anthropology, Archaeology, Social Studies Image sparta racecourse This 1899 illustration depicts the racecourse at Sparta. The women of Sparta had more freedom and education than most Greek city-states at the time. Five of the most powerful and popular are Athens, Sparta, Argos, Megara, and Corinth. | They entered the Agoge, and military service, at the age of 7. . 7 min read. But Sparta was very different from the other Greek city-states. Government was a democracy. Sparta was ruled by two kings, whose power was checked by a council of elders and citizens assembled. A lifelong dedication to military discipline, service, and precision gave this kingdom a strong advantage over other Greek civilizations, allowing Sparta . When they weren't fighting another city-state, Spartans were honing their military skills in preparation for the next battle. Athens was a city famous for learning. So, though we can have rough table of the "main" cities, this is not absolute , only an ad hoc categorisation and does not mean that the o. Sparta was one of the most powerful city-states in Ancient Greece. While the city of Sparta wasn't constructed until the first millennium B.C., recent archaeological discoveries show that Sparta was an important site at least as far back as 3,500 years ago. Example: One of Sparta's defining characteristics was its focus on developing a strong military. They worked mostly on farms and had to give the Spartans half their crops. As with many nations which put their focus on the strength of the military forces Sparta . 10.5K . Sparta was located in a valley on the banks of the Eurotas River in the south-eastern portion of Greece. On top of the tallest hill in each city-state, the Greeks built a collection of buildings called an acropolis. They would eat fish and meat hunted in the area while they would also make cheese and drink milk from goats. - Women stayed in homes and had no public life. Trade was discouraged. The citizens had little say in the decisions made by the government but, at the time, this was the . However, rarely did the two sides fight each other alone. The culture of Sparta and the Spartans was pinpoint focused upon their military, they were a highly efficient unit on and off the battlefield. Early times, both Kings went to war. Kings cannot retire. Athens focused mainly on artistic and intellectual achievements. Sparta was primarily self-sustaining. The city-state was a city that had its own independent government. The powerful city-state Sparta had its own unique system of government called a dual-monarchy, . Girls usually were married at the age of 18. The Spartan army was one of the most powerful of the ancient world, and this was due to the Spartan military that was the core and the backbone of the ancient Greek state. The Peloponnesian War was fought mainly between Athens and Sparta. Which best describes how Sparta's culture influenced the city-state's government? Artistic Focus: Iron was the only metal allowed for coinage; gold and silver were forbidden. They thought of themselves as Greeks. 471-446 BCE - City states of Athens and Sparta fight several battles and skirmishes alongside their allies in a conflict that is now known as the First Peloponnesian War. (Athens) 8. (both Athens and Sparta) 5. Spartan boys and girls taught to fight at age six or seven. Sparta was primarily self-sustaining. Infanticide was common in ancient cultures . In ancient times, the Greek city-state known as Sparta found great renown as a society of the toughest soldiers in the known world, with their entire lives laser-focused on developing an unstoppable military machine. the product should demonstrate student's knowledge of a city-state in terms of its strengths and weaknesses . The Spartans forced the defeated people to become slaves called helots (HEHL•uhtz). In . The main focus for comparing Athens and Sparta is the comparative table (below). Learn about daily life for all the classes of people in Sparta, even the kings and queens. It was also known for its democracy.although only men could vote. Training for the military began at age 7, as all Spartan boys left home to go to military school. At the age of 18, the Spartan male was perceived as an adult citizen (eiren) of the state and thus was liable for full military service till the age of 60.For the Spartiates (Homoioi), this military service generally equated to being inducted into the ranks of the famed Spartan hoplites.Now from the perspective of history, in spite of the popular imagery of Spartans fighting in massed . History Sparta Education The purpose was to train good warriors. Philosophy grew. You may have read on the web that Sparta had two kings. If a baby was weak, the Spartans exposed it on the hillside or took it away to become a slave ( helot ). The temples and government buildings were often built on the top of a hill, or acropolis. (Sparta) 3. The primary goal of Spartan education was to produce good soldiers. . Sparta was ruled by two kings, whose power was checked by a council of elders and citizens assembled. | .. original sound. Self-discipline, not kadavergehorsam (mindless obedience), was the goal of Spartan education. Unlike such Greek city-states as Athens, a center for the arts, learning and philosophy, Sparta was centered on a warrior culture. It was the hometown of philosophers like Socrates and Plato. One major reason why ancient Greece was dominated by small city-states and independent towns, rather than by one all-powerful king, is its geography. Like their brothers, Spartan girls were educated and trained in sports. Sparta: Sparta is located in the Laconia region. Ares, the Greek god of war, was a particularly fitting patron for Sparta, which was known to be a rather warlike society. The lands it controlled were called Laconia and Messenia. 545 BCE to 448 BCE . Alex Sakalis. (Sparta) 4. In modern times, this reputation has stood firm, thanks in part to Frank Miller's graphic novel 300 and its even more popular . This inward focus meant that Sparta soon became an isolated city-state, which rejected imported luxuries. Historical accounts tell of Spartan boys as being allowed no shoes, very few clothes, and . Ancient Greece was made up of hundreds of city-states. The two city-states that best represent each form of government were Sparta (oligarchy) and Athens (democracy). Ancient Greek literary sources claim that among the many deities worshipped by a typical Greek city-state (sing. The slaves in Sparta were farmers, so they provided some of the food in the city-state. . These two city states were always at war with each other and lead to many stalemates. From 492 BC to 449 BC, the Spartans led the Greek city-states in a war against the Persians. They to go to other colonies to get resources. Learn how all of Sparta trained to become the healthiest and fittest city-state in Greece. . (Weren't very smart). Sparta, or Lacedeamon, was one of the most powerful Greek city-states during Hellenistic Period. Discover places to visit and explore on Bing Maps, like Sparta, Mississippi. Such Spartan customs shocked the Greeks of other city-states.. Oniro Mou. The first Olympic games were held in Ancient Greece almost 3000 years ago (776 BC) at the Greek city of Olympia. Its real focus was to prepare Spartan males to be compliant members of society, who were ready to sacrifice their all for Sparta. Sparta's entire culture centered on war. Together with Athens, Sparta is one of the best known city-states of ancient Greece, but during the classical period, it was a very different place to Athens. The pursuit of material wealth and mostly any other activity outside of a military career was discouraged by Spartan law. | Every single Spartan boys participated in a state sponsored educational system called the Agoge where courage, endurance, and obedience were stressed. It is also famous for the Parthenon, a huge temple (see picture) dedicated to the city's main goddess, Athena. Sparta placed the values of liberty, equality . A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? A new ethos was introduced which encouraged equality among citizens and an unwavering loyalty to the state. A- Sparta was a society based on exploration and expansion, and its government was also based on this concept. Sparta Sparta was one of the most dominant of all the Greek city-states, and is most often remembered for their athletic and militaristic values. The Spartan phalanxes were unstoppable on land and known for their professionalism and discipline. The earliest period any Total War game has depicted, Wrath of Sparta's campaign map is a vivid and detailed representation of the Greek world in 432 BC; featuring 22 provinces across 78 regions, covering the Greek mainland, islands and the Ionian coast. This focus created one of the most effective, disciplined, and fearless armies in the world . Athen and Sparta were two great city-states of Greece Empire. Sparta, a town near the river Evrotas, is located in the center of the Peloponnese in southern Greece. The Greek city-state of Sparta is famous for being a city of soldiers. It was during the Persian Wars that the Spartans fought the . This section describes their different governments and compares the best-known city-states,Athens and Sparta. According to Plutarch ("Life of Lycurgus": 9), Spartans had their coins made of iron. This is the latest edition of our series on underrated destinations, It's Still a Big World. Wiki User. 2. - Changed from an Oligarchy (government by the few) to a democracy (government of the people). The country's mountainous terrain, many . At their zenith they proved themselves to be the best of the Greek hoplite warriors, the premier fighting force of their time. Male Spartan citizens were allowed only one occupation: soldier.. The Spartans spoke Greek. Athens and Sparta are two prominent Greek rival city-states. Sparta was forward thinking in its political, education system and physical training regimes. This answer is: Oligarchy - Sparta always had two kings, the state was ruled by two hereditary kings of the Agiad and Eurypontid . biggest difference between life in the two City-States." Possible answers include Sparta was a militaristic state, they were in different locations, and had different priorities. When a Spartan baby was born, soldiers came to the house and examined it carefully to determine its strength.The baby was bathed in wine rather than water, to see its reaction. A city-state, or polis, was the community structure of ancient Greece.Each city-state was organized with an urban center and the surrounding countryside. In addition, they also ate fruit and figs that they could grow in their climate. (Athens) 9. The acropolis was used for three things: religious festivals, banks, and a fortress. (both Athens and Sparta) 6. While the Athenian people spent a considerable amount of their time studying literature, art, and music, Spartans were training to be soldiers. Sparta was one of the most important city-states in ancient Greece and was famous for its military prowess. B- Sparta was a society based on being prepared for war, and its government was also based on this concept. The focus on the army meant that Sparta was the only Greek state with a professional standing army. Each city state had at least a partially elected government and a strong military, and both relied on the labor of slaves. what was sparta's focus as a city -state. Focusing on the • Tyrants were able to seize power from the nobles with the support of Greek farmers, merchants, and artisans . Sparta focused on military training and excellence. Sparta and Athens had similar forms of government; both city states were in part governed by elected assemblies. Beginning in the mid-6th century BCE, Persia, arriving from the east, makes trouble for the city-states through a series of sorties and full-scale wars. Athens at that time ruled large areas of the Aegean basin, but Sparta's victory in the war brought the Athenian empire to an end. The Spartan City State (Sparta) produced what is probably the most iconic military in ancient history. (Sparta) 2. Women Women were given much more privileges and rights in Sparta than other parts of Greece or Europe. SPARTA Sparta was also a very important and powerful city in Ancient Greece. Unlike other Greek city-states, Sparta "was exceptional in its. . The History of Sparta describes the history of the ancient Doric Greek city-state known as Sparta from its beginning in the legendary period to its incorporation into the Achaean League under the late Roman Republic, as Allied State, in 146 BC, a period of roughly 1000 years.Since the Dorians were not the first to settle the valley of the Eurotas River in the Peloponnesus of Greece, the . Although Greek city-states devel-oped the idea of citizenship, they had many different types of government. The professional and well-trained Spartan hoplites with their distinctive red cloaks and long hair were probably the best and most feared fighters in Greece, fighting with distinction at key battles against the Persian army at Thermopylae and Plataea in the 5th century BCE. Lesbos is actually the name of one of the . Spartan women could sell their property. The Peloponnesian War was fought mainly between Athens and Sparta. The closest modern equivalent to a stratocracy is the State Peace and Development Council of Myanmar (Burma), which is arguably different from most other military dictatorships in that it completely abolished the civilian constitution and legislature. In addition, they also ate fruit and figs that they could grow in their climate. In modern times, this reputation has stood firm, thanks in part to Frank Miller's graphic novel 300 and its even more popular . Both contemporary and ancient historians have marveled at how the Spartans were so well trained. It had a strong navy. Sparta: In Sparta, both girls and boys were given education. . Education: Athens: In Athens, education was only given to boys. Sparta. city-states. Ancient Greek women endured a life of hardship and servitude. (Athens) 7. The only truly military state in ancient Greece, Spartans, men, women and children were born into, and lived in an existence that was ruled by regiment and organisation. The focus on the army meant that Sparta was the only Greek state with a professional standing army. It was designated a National Recreation Trail in 1971 and today sees as many as 60,000 visitors a year. Women had considerable . The city-state's political system was a curious one, and it had two royal families and two queens. Few foreigners realize that Sparta still exists. The two city-states were located far from each other. The trail is open daily from 6 a.m. until 11 p.m. Sparta was a powerful city-state in ancient Greece. History The city of Sparta rose to power around 650 BC. Each having its own houses, schools, armies, leaders, and government. Its entire society was oriented towards warfare. Early in their history, a violent and bloody slave revolt caused the Spartans to change their society. Spartans lived in harsh . A traditional story about gods, ancestors, or heroes, told to explain the natural world or the customs and beliefs of a society. In education, the Spartans gave sports the most emphasis. Get directions, find nearby businesses and places, and much more. Answer (1 of 14): It depends on the time period . The three main city states are Athens, Corinth, Sparta, and. Also , the importance is relative . Sparta was the greatest military power in the Greek city-states. Do we compare wealth, culture, military, soft power, a mix of them all ? Prolonged conflict among the city-states contributed to the military success of Philip II and his son Alexander (ruled 336-323 BCE), rulers of Macedonia, a mountainous kingdom north of Greece. Slavery existed. Sparta: Sparta had a clear militaristic focus here the lifestyle was dominated by this. The main difference between Athens and Sparta is that Athens was a form of democracy, whereas Sparta was a form of oligarchy. Athens focused more on culture, while Sparta focused more on war. The ancient Spartan warriors are known for their bravery, professionalism and skill, a reputation well deserved. Though these are not very far away from each other, there are many differences between these two states. Sparta was a city in Greece in which the form of the kingdom in the form of joint authority was preserved. The map brings 12 new Wonders to light, including the Ruins of Troy, the Temple of Zeus . The Greeks land was infertile and mountainous. Sparta and Athens had completely different mind sets for creating a great civilization. The stark lifestyle of Sparta was a contrast to the Athenian focus on thinking and learning. the main focus of theGreek city-state spartan was to conquer other neighboring city-states and have the strongest military in the world. For Geofrey de Ste Croix (1972, 91), Sparta was 'a community of profes- sional soldiers'. - Very good education, no trade. Sea Trade was important for the Greeks because they had few natural resources. It is famous for its powerful army as well as its battles with the city-state of Athens during the Peloponnesian War. In ancient times, the Greek city-state known as Sparta found great renown as a society of the toughest soldiers in the known world, with their entire lives laser-focused on developing an unstoppable military machine. Sparta wanted to have a very strong army and that's what they really desired to focus on the most. Athens was the capital city-state of Greece. Sparta and Athens: A Tale of Two City-States. 4225 views | Oniro Mou - Yianna Terzi Garrett Stewart has had it with the hard labor of wrestling, so Sparta's 138-pound senior has decided to go out on the mat, let it all hang out and enjoy himself. A new constitution that came into effect in 2010 cemented the military's hold on power . The city-state and its surrounding territory were located on the Peloponnese, a peninsula located southwest of Athens.