1. My name is Lisa Becker and I currently reside in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Have a witness who can corroboration your story and provide supportive evidence to what you are saying will help greatly. Businesses are sabotaged & become impossible to sustain. A Targeted Individual (TI) is someone that has been selected by the Deep State (usually FBI, DHS, or CIA) to unwillingly participate in an experimental CIA torture program. This program was developed under the CIA’s MK-Ultra project and is designed to break down the individual and “neutralize the person,” using psychological, physical, and emotional … This is why they are the ones who will “save the world from the forces of darkness” because they will help us heal the shadows of humanity. Targeted Individuals is an intensely empathetic portrait of mental illness that feels specific to our current culture of unease. A targeted individual is a person that is being targeted with covert technology. Patriotic American is Targeted. those on FFCHS, another Talkshoe show on Saturdays, as well as Renata’s call on Sunday- it consists of people like James Lico who just found the condition on the internet and then convinced himself that he was on of the chosen. ... Victims are found opportunistically, chosen by AI technology, chosen because of their DNA, chosen because of their activism to discredit and silence them, etc. This program was developed under the CIA's MK-Ultra project and is … Very simple,greed. Tactics used include the following: illegal surveillance (bugs placed in home, work, vehicle) illegal wiretapping www.terryjoeljunior.comInstagram @terryjoeljunior#targetedindividuals #narcissistawareness Every race is represented. Family and spousal relationships are usually destroyed, as part of this psychological torture. The harassers could be anyone from a local gang, an online dark-web group, a private investigator group, to a government organization using the victim for experimental purposes or to silence them. They can be chosen for political views. No one can match up to us. They see things that are morally wrong such as police making/selling drugs or police protecting a drug gang, stealing vehicles and running prostitution and human trafficking or child pornography cartels and get put on the list for calling 911. The harassers could be anyone from a local gang, an online dark-web group, a private investigator group, to a government organization using the victim for experimental purposes or to silence them. Targeted individuals describing their nightmare experiences have shown us that they don’t necessarily have to be major threats to the new world order agenda to be targeted, just people known for having the already mentioned traits and qualities. Khan was reportedly chosen as a ‘person of interest by India in 2019’. The targeted individual is the person who has stood up for justice for others and now themselves -in a world growing more fearful by the minute. God bless all targeted individuals. Josephine at targetedartist.wordpress.com Gas lighting, and cliché techniques of mind control harassment … There ARE targeted individuals out there to be sure- but for the most part- esp. I have found a high percentage of targeted individuals to be people who are either interested in or have information on highly advanced technologies, usually having to do with Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) and Frequency Weapons. How are targets chosen? TargetedIndividual. Many people are stalked by their ex, their ex’s lover or spouse, or, more rarely, some random nut job who believes their victim has slighted them somehow. PERSONAL REASONS Sometimes, a person is targeted not for who they are but rather for what they did... Or are perceived to have done. We recently dealt with an incident involving an employee making life hell for her coworker because she believed the coworker made her look bad in front of the boss. “I don’t think … However, the phenomenon is conspiracy fact not conspiracy theory and is all too real. TI David Voigts is an ex-Navy officer and a whistleblower. What a privilege it is to be God's chosen people. Anyway, The fact that 78% were white leads me to believe there is a connection about picking future targets. My attack/stalking was because a freemason democrat religious fruitcake christian named tommy blair of titus county texas wanted my land.so he shot my house with a dew weapon for fifteen years killing people in a circle of death. David Voigts. Many TIs are Gang Stalking Infiltrators pretending to be targeted, masquerading as Saints and Prophets, thus serving the Fallen Angels. It is a special “honor” for CBAs to be chosen for target discreditation work. Just about all Tis experience chronic, highly organized stalking. Targeted Individual. Not all Rh negative people will notice blatant intrusions in their lives, because not all Rh negative people are targeted. My name is Lisa Becker and I currently reside in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. ... on a list of 14 world leaders potentially targeted for surveillance ... it … Our lungs are its pipes. Thank you for your testimony. CITY SCANS Imaging Services (NO REFERRAL) Salisbury House Clinic. According to Targeted Justice, an advocacy group for targeted individuals, members believe there are about 170,000 targeted people in the U.S. and more than 1 … But you are one of the 144,000 of every race who were chosen by God from lost Hebraic bloodlines. 7. But psychiatrists beg to … People that are into researching things like 9/11. people where i work at the lewisburg coop in tn are trying to stop this and im so grateful as well as past coaches and friends and their parents and im forever grateful. You Might Not Be the Victim of Gang Stalking. 31 Finsbury Circus. Because we are the only ones that can handle the bullshit that comes with both. and friends of targeted individuals and which easily explains why people are targeted, how they are targeted, what the purpose of the targeting is, and what to do about it. And there was no coincidence in why Caucasians were chosen or why the high number of arrests in this group. A Targeted Individual (TI) is someone that has been selected by the Deep State (usually FBI, DHS, or CIA) to unwillingly participate in an experimental government torture program. We can all relate to their pain. The Internet's #1 website for Targeted Individuals. By Lisa Becker. Further, don’t underestimate the capabilities of gang stalking. Both genders are well represented; women may be slightly more likely to be targeted than men. A Targeted Individual (TI) is someone that has been selected by the Deep State (usually FBI, DHS, or CIA) to unwillingly participate in an experimental government torture program. Most of the information referred in this site are based on my own experiences as a targeted individual for the past three decades. By Lisa Becker. If you are being electronically targeted in your home, move outside of your living space. The man’s newsletter went out to over 800 people, and he became increasingly erratic over time. They can be chosen because they made the wrong enemy. I don't know his name. The description of their problems is exactly the same, regardless of their age, sex, religion, nationality, education or any other characteristics. Jesus himself was targeted and crucified. I'm not sure that's a very respectful term to many gangstalking victims who consider themselves anything but "chosen." Chosen One? Targeted individual - meaning. They can be chosen because they asserted there rights at work. By Pam Anderson. Patriotic American is Targeted. See, the majority of people you try to tell the experiences you have to will not believe you. Now we have to fight back spiritually and the only way we can do this is through Spiritual Warfare and deliverance of Jesus Christ. If not the actual illness itself. They can be chosen because they belong to a dissident movement. It took me more than 35 years to find out I was being subjected to gang stalking. Don't assume that the person is guilty or a bad person. Targets are chosen for disposal for taking a stand for truth and justice. Intelligence agencies are interested in a certain carrier of Rh negative blood.They are looking for people who have a complete deletion of the RhD gene. Targeted Individuals are those who are experiencing various form of surveillance harassment. Don't get me wrong - there are other races being targeted but from what I am seeing, targets are predominately white. My story begins in 2001- how I came to be involved is really a matter of speculation. Targeted Individuals have secret allies in the Gang Stalking war. Victims of The Program have suffered so much (and continue to suffer) engaged in spiritual warfare. And though you may feel alone and unloved, could it be that someone, somewhere, loves you? TI Since Birth. For Targeted Individuals. If you know someone who is being targeted in this way please don't go along with it. How are targets chosen? It’s time to understand who we are and why this gang stalking is … They heal mentally, physically, emotionally and even spiritually. They report police crime. See, the majority of people you try to tell the experiences you have to will not believe you. Stalking is common. My story begins in 2001- how I came to be involved is really a matter of speculation. 07/02/20: 2: Why targeted individuals are chosen? Why highly enlightened CHOSEN ONES get ear ringing |What’s that ringing in your ear Join the star seed community : https://bit.ly/37pyhBZ #FascinatingTV#h… This site contains information about this new phenomena and it's related subjects namely: targeted individuals, electronic harassment, and mind control. They can be chosen for whistle-blowing. What follows are 5 of many TI cases. 1. It's very simple, the 144,000 is the number of individuals needed to "carry" the energy and frequency that is needed by humanity to rise or "ascend" to the next bandwidth or density of reality. Salisbury House, London, EC2M (5QQ) Phone: 0207 638 6600. Targeted Individuals are those who are experiencing various form of surveillance harassment. Yes, this is a very cowardly response. You may find my story difficult to believe, I still can’t believe this could happen in America. Gang Stalkers sensitize the Targeted Individual (TI) to such an extent that eventually he/she suspects everyone and every unusual event as part of the victimization program. Pretty simple. Email: info@Cityscan.org.uk. We are all targeted by the dissonance. Our heart is … Paladin 2016-06-16 If you are targeted and gang stalked, I do not need to give you a definition. Rarely, if ever, does a targeted individual engage in an activity of daily living without the unwanted participation of Predatory Gangstalkers. T argeted I ndividual or TI is a person who find him/herself being harassed continuously by unknown group of people and organizations. Many Targets also experience the sudden, inexplicable fracturing of personal & work relationships. Induction “Entrapment” Phase Symptoms (1 month – 1 year): -An initial reported sign of targeting is 3D sounds of neighbors or voices in areas nearby. Originally Answered: Why do God pick certain people to be the chosen ones or targeted individuals? A Person becomes a Targeted Individual when a criminal syndacate or ROGUE Police Agencies place the person on a National and Worldwide Watchlist.